Predictors of prostate cancer screening among African American men treated at an Academic Medical Center in the Southern United States
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Background: The controversy surrounding prostate cancer screening, coupled with the high rates of incidence and mortality among African American men, increase the importance of African American men engaging in an informed decision-making process around prostate cancer screening.
Purpose: To examine predictors of prostate cancer screening via the prostatespecific antigen (PSA) test. Secondary objectives were to examine whether African American men have been screened for prostate cancer; their confidence in making an informed choice about whether PSA testing is right for them; and whether they have talked with their provider about PSA testing and engaged in an informed decision-making process around prostate cancer screening.
Methods: We conducted a study among a sample of African American men patients ages > 40 years.
Results: A total of 65 men completed the questionnaire (response rate = 6.5%). The mean age of the men was 64.4 years. Most of the participants (90.8%) reported a regular healthcare provider and that their provider had discussed the PSA test with them (81.3%). About 84.1% of the men ever had a PSA test, but only 38.0% had one in the past year. Most of the men reported that they make the final decision about whether to have a PSA test on their own (36.5%) or after seriously considering their doctor’s opinion (28.6%). About 31.8% of the men reported that they share responsibility about whether to have a PSA test with their doctor. About half of the participants (49.2%) reported that they have made a decision about whether to have a PSA test and they are not likely to change their mind. The majority of the men (75%) perceived their risk of prostate cancer to be about the same level of risk as other men who were their age. The men’s knowledge of prostate cancer was fair to good (mean prostate cancer knowledge scale = 10.37, SD 1.87). Knowledge of prostate cancer was positively associated with receipt of a PSA test (p < 0.0206).
Conclusion: The modest overall prostate cancer knowledge among these participants, including their risk for prostate cancer, indicates a need for prostate cancer educational interventions in this patient population.
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