Open Access Peer-reviewed Research Article

Graffiti and new media: Leveraging technology to advance creativity and learning in Nigeria

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Patrick Edem Okon corresponding author
Okon Effiong Udoyo
Leonard Odum Ojorgu


The paper explored the relationship between graffiti and new media, with specific focus on the effect of new media appropriation on the growth of graffiti writing in Nigeria. Qualitative research design and methodologies were used. The theory of technological determinism provided the conceptual directions. Findings showed that graffiti artists were increasingly active on social media; and, used social media for different purposes, including graffiti-based artistic activities. While a wide range of social media were used, only Instagram was the most preferred, because of its unique technical qualities. The engagements of graffiti artists with new media were, in varying ways, bearing innovative and socio-cultural benefits. Apart from providing opportunities for the showcasing of talents or the digital documentation of graffiti, the interface had also allowed for improved artistic creativity, through the placements of graffiti arts unto virtual spaces as Non-Fundable Token Arts (NFTs), as well as the education of young adults online/offline on graffiti arts. Also, in order to mitigate the low status of public awareness on graffiti in Nigeria, graffiti artists should heighten their engagements with social media to popularize the practice in its contextual form; and, the placements of graffiti arts on NFT panels should be seen as a step in the right direction, towards the preservation of graffiti arts for posterity.

graffiti, civil learning, new media, Nigeria

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How to Cite
Okon, P. E., Udoyo, O. E., & Ojorgu, L. O. (2023). Graffiti and new media: Leveraging technology to advance creativity and learning in Nigeria. International Journal of Arts and Humanities, 4(1), 166-180.


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