Creating humanoid intelligent digital twin on spectral and holographic approaches
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A person perceives his environment through the influence of various complexes of conjugated vibrations on the eyes, ears and other sensitive components of the body. The psyche and neural systems of a person form the impression of vibration impact. The mind creates a language equivalent and connects it with the impression that has formed. Communication links are formed between impressions and language equivalents. Live vibrational information involves a person in a communicative creative process. In the creative communicative process, human intelligence develops. The combination of modern interdisciplinary technologies can contribute to the creation of an intelligent digital twin, similar to humans on spectral and holographic principles, relying on achievements in the field of artificial intelligence. The digital twin fixes the effects of the environment in the form of a spectrogram, and stores the effect result in the form of a hologram. Multilayer neural network systems with additional training work with spectra and holograms and their communications. Language communications are associated with spectra, holograms and their communications. A humanoid digital twin with an ensemble of intellectual agents will be able to form and develop intelligence in interaction with similar digital twins and people.
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