Evaluation of selected physicochemical properties of River Otamiri, Imo State
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Surface water monitoring is essential, especially when the water is normally used for industrial, agricultural, and domestic purposes. The study determined the physicochemical properties of the River Otamiri using the American Public Health Association standard methods for water analysis. In this study, river water samples were collected five times during the dry season from four sampling points (WSP-1, WSP-2, WSP-3 and WSP-4) along the watercourse of the river in Owerri West Local Government Area of Imo State. The levels of the selected physicochemical parameters were compared with the National Standard for Drinking Water Quality (NSDWQ) guidelines. The findings showed that the pH (4.99±0.11 – 6.30±0.08), dissolved oxygen (4.16±0.01 – 6.45±0.03), total hardness (17.10±1.78 – 27.80±2.54), chloride (68.30±0.58 – 91.90±0.64), and sulphate (39.55±3.32 – 51.21±2.11) were below the acceptable limit of the National Standard for Drinking Water Quality (NSDWQ). However, electrical conductivity (1116±29.75 – 1419±28.54), turbidity (18.90±2.81 – 31.70±8.13) and nitrate (45.50±3.06 – 69.90±2.11, except in water sample point-4) were above the recommended limit according to the NSDWQ guideline, while temperature levels (26.90±0.04 – 28.40±0.02) were within the acceptable limit. The study concludes that the River Otamiri is contaminated. It is therefore advisable to purify water from the river before use for domestic and industrial purposes.
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