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Human capital in the digital economy

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Ashot A. Khachaturyan corresponding author


The article analyzes the threats to human capital arising in connection with the development of the digital economy. The main problems, that digital can bring to public life and the fate of an individual worker are shown. According to the author, the labor market in the digital age makes new demands on the human capital of workers in almost all industries. The formation of a digital economic order, including automation, robotization and digitalization of almost all spheres of life, in the near future will leave on the labor market mostly “complex” professions of the “Knowledge” category with a creative component. Technological changes and the digitalization of the economy will lead to the fact that the knowledge and skills of workers will become so outdated that no retraining of them will be able to rectify the situation. One of the main problems is that with the further digital transformation of the economy, more and more jobs may be threatened with extinction, and the disappearance of old jobs this time will not be accompanied by the emergence of new ones. A situation may arise when the workers released due to digitalization will become not only unemployed, but generally not in demand by social production. A global question arises - what should they be kept for? Another problem is that with global digitalization, the danger of "digital" degradation of human intelligence is very high. Digital increasingly crowds out live communication, limiting the possibilities of developing a person's creative potential, as a result of which a qualitative transformation of human intelligence takes place.    Another question arises - how to support the intellectual development of a person, and what to do with those who do not work?

human capital, digital economy, creative economy, labor market, social threats, institutions of government and society

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How to Cite
Khachaturyan, A. A. (2021). Human capital in the digital economy. Resources and Environmental Economics, 4(1), 314-324.


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