Availability and quality of family planning services in Idjwi Island, DRC
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Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the availability and quality of FP services in health facilities (HFs) on Idjwi Island in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
Methods: From March 1 to 31, 2022, a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in several HFs on Idjwi Island. Identified 31 HFs have been comprehensively included. Data were collected through interviews, literature reviews, and observations, guided by a questionnaire.
Results: Of the 31 HFs included, 29 (93.6%) of them provided FP services on an availability basis, of which 27.6% (8/29) met the criteria for high-quality services. The most widely available methods were male condoms, combined oral contraceptive pills, and progestin-only injectable contraceptives.
Conclusion: The availability of FP services in HFs on Idjwi Island remains high but their quality is low. To improve access to and use of FP, efforts should focus on improving quality in this rural part of the country.
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