Predictors of in-hospital mortality among patients with status epilepticus in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo: A retrospective study
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Objective: Status Epilepticus (SE) is a condition characterized by an epileptic seizure that persists long enough or recurs at sufficiently short intervals to create a fixed and lasting epileptic condition. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and to identify predictors of in-hospital death among SE patients in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
Methods: We conducted a retrospective study from January 2020 to December 2022.
Results: Out of 3,006 patients admitted to the neurology department of the University Clinics of Lubumbashi, 97 presented with SE (i.e., a hospital prevalence of 3.23%). The mean age of the patients was 38.38±14.74 years, and men represented 77.3% of the cases. Epileptic patients represented 21.65% of the cases and 66.7% of them were on antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Seizures were generalized in 72.16% of the patients. Seizures lasted 30 minutes or more in 50.52% of the cases. The most frequent etiologies were strokes, followed by central nervous system (CNS) infections. In-hospital mortality was 24.74% and the predictors of this mortality were CNS infections (adjusted OR = 22.34 [2.69-222.65]; p = 0.0006) and seizures lasting ≥ 30 minutes (adjusted OR = 10.98 [2.89-62.70]; p<0.0001).
Conclusion: SE is a major neurological emergency requiring early and multidisciplinary management to preserve the vital prognosis because, without treatment, SE causes important neurological complications and even death. The present study found a mortality of 24.74% which was associated with seizure duration of more than 30 minutes as well as with infectious etiologies.
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