Simulation of the photochemical ozone production coming from neighborhood: A case applied in 150 countries
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The main objective of this research is to analyse and compare the photochemical ozone production coming from one neighbourhood initially located in Belgium. Which the same neighbourhood design is applied in150 countries, by applying four parameters adapted to each country such as: energy mix, local climate, building materials and occupants’ mobility. In addition, this research evaluates the induced environmental costs of the neighbourhood over a life cycle of 100 years in some regions located on the five continents, and examines the effect of photovoltaic panel on the photochemical ozone concentration. This environmental impact was evaluated by the Pleiades ACV simulation software under four phases (construction, use, renovation, and demolition), before being translated into environmental costs. The results show that in the case of sustainable neighbourhoods, the photochemical ozone production is 14.3% higher in the Low than High income countries. Photovoltaic panel has a significant effect on the photochemical ozone production, indeed, it allows to reduce up to 8.6% of this one. By 2030, if each of the 150 studied countries, increases up to 30% the renewable energy rate in its own energy mix, to the current examples of countries such as: Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Costa Rica, DRC, Nepal, Tajikistan ..., so, Photochemical Ozone Production will decrease from 32% to 45% depending on the region. An average of 56% of photochemical ozone potential (POP) is produced during the operational phase of the neighbourhood.
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