Vol 4 No 2 (2022)

Published: 2022-08-01

Abstract views: 1213   PDF downloads: 681  

Page 343-359

Mediation model of media determinants of water rates

blankpage José Marcos Bustos Aguayo, Cruz García Lirios, Víctor Hugo Meriño Córdoba, Javier Carreón Guillén, Miguel Bautista Miranda, Margarita Juárez Nájera, Francisco Rubén Sandoval Vázquez

The press, by spreading the availability of resources, shortages linked with preservation. In this sense, the work explores nine briefings from 2019 to 2022 published in national newspapers regarding the lack of supply, quality, benefit, punishment and discomfort as a consequence of the water situation in a demarcation east of Mexico City. This finding was considered as evidence of a moderate degree of media coverage the press regarding the problems arising from water shortages. From the results discussed its implications with other studies conducted in the demarcation.

Abstract views: 1335   PDF downloads: 720  

Pages 372-375

Legal institutional inefficiency and water pollution problem in Bangladesh

blankpage Shuying Wang, Md. Ziaul Islam

In recent years the economy of Bangladesh has increased significantly due to rapid industrialization. Despite economic prosperity, it causes serious damage to the environment by polluting water resources. Factors like discharging industrial effluents, urban runoff, and agricultural wastage are primarily responsible for polluting the water bodies in Bangladesh. This kind of pollution not only harms the environment but also severely affects human health, and in Bangladesh, nearly 80 percent of all diseases are related to water pollution, and arsenicosis is one of them. To prevent and control water pollution, the government has primarily enacted various laws and policies, including Environment Conservation Act 1995, Environment Protection Act (EPA) 1995, Environment Court Act 2000, and Bangladesh Water Act 2013. Despite numerous initiatives, legal loopholes, institutional weaknesses and lack of enforcement of Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) are the main obstacles to preventing and controlling water pollution in Bangladesh. Therefore, this paper addresses the legal shortcomings and functions of respective bodies in preventing and controlling water pollution.

Abstract views: 1403   PDF downloads: 710  

Pages 367-371

Transition of countries to currency and trade sustainable international cooperation on the BRICS platform

blankpage Evgeniy Bryndin

The transition to monetary and trade sustainable cooperation within the BRICS can be carried out on the basis of the energy economic equivalent of the national currencies of sovereign states. The International Monetary Index will link the existing commodity masses of states with national currencies. The creation of two-circuit national monetary and financial systems will create conditions for the evolutionary transition of budget formation. Double-circuit monetary and financial systems will bind national currencies to energy economic equivalents and goods. An interim measure of the national currency due to the energy economic equivalent and a group of goods with both commodity and monetary properties creates their currency value. This makes it possible to estimate their value in the energy economic equivalent. The energy economic equivalent can become a meter of the intrinsic value of any payment means. The economic reserve base, expanded at the expense of groups of goods, makes it possible to create a stable basis for strengthening national currencies in the system of domestic, regional and international settlements, maintaining their stability. It is possible to connect the financial and real sectors of the international economy of sovereign states through the BRICS investment international bank. This will allow the generation of long and cheap financial resources by issuing securities and digital financial assets secured by a group of goods with foreign exchange value. National currencies will become full-fledged, tied to the amount of those resources that are in the provision of the BRICS investment international bank.

Abstract views: 1235   PDF downloads: 759  

Pages 360-366

Digitalization of the economy: Social threats

blankpage Ashot A. Khachaturyan

The article analyzes the hidden threats to society associated with the development of the digital economy. Shown are the main problems that digital can bring to social life and the fate of an individual worker. Chief among these concerns is that with the further digital transformation of the economy, more and more jobs could  threatened with extinction. The disappearance of old jobs this time will not accompanied by the emergence of new ones. A situation may arise when the workers released due to digitalization will become not only unemployed, but also generally inoperable. A global question arises - what to do with those, who do not work, and what to support them for?