The critical evaluation of educators' struggles in the context of Covid-19: Some theological analysis
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Most countries have realized that education is one of the important keys to transforming their countries, and this responsibility rests hugely on the shoulders of teachers. It is concerning that the plight of teachers who are carriers of both our children’s future and the future of this country seems not to be receiving the attention it deserves. Although teacher unions are many, it is questionable whether the teaching profession is receiving the protection and the encouragement it deserves in this country. The teaching profession faced many challenges in recent years. Just as we thought that the massive resignation trend that started in 2014 was coming to an end and that a period of stability was dawning, Covid-19 and the hard lockdown of 2020 happened and many of the teaching profession’s serious concerns were once again thrust into the limelight. This article is concerned with the struggles of teachers during the corona period; the researcher looked at, for example, the paradox of the reopening of schools while the pandemic was raging towards its peak and how it affected teachers. Teachers were promised that they could work from home till retirement if they had comorbidities and are sixty and above of age, but they were recalled to work.
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