Research Article
Research on the impact of artificial intelligence on the employment environment of labors in China
Purpose: The development of artificial intelligence technology can undoubtedly trigger profound changes in the labor market. Empirical analysis of the impact of artificial intelligence on the employment environment and its mechanism can propose effective paths to optimize the employment environment, which can effectively promote the improvement of the employment environment for Chinese labors and the stability of the employment situation. Based on the limitations of the development of artificial intelligence technology in China, this study focuses on studying its impact on the employment environment in the short term, and the long-term effects on the employment environment in China will become the author's future focus and research direction.
Methodology: This study uses quantitative research methods, based on Panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2009 to 2019, and uses program computer software Stata 17.0 for data processing and empirical analysis.
Conclusion: AI technology has a significant positive role in promoting the employment environment, and the new Information infrastructure represented by the Internet is conducive to promoting the positive moderating of AI on the employment environment. Through further research, it was found that the employment environment improvement effect of AI technology has regional differences, with a greater impact on the employment environment in the eastern region than in the western region, while the impact on the central region is not significant.
Entrepreneurial orientation as a concept has gained the attention of scholars over the last decade. It also became interesting to find out its relationship with business performance in South-West Nigeria. This study set out to find out any measure of influence that entrepreneurship as well as entrepreneurial orientation may assert on the performance of medium size businesses, with South-West Nigeria as the sample location. The results showed that pro-activeness (β = 0.145), competitive aggressiveness (β = 0.231), risk-taking (β = 0.087), and autonomy (β = 0.119) all had positive regression coefficients while innovativeness (β = -0.028) had a negative regression coefficient.
The study aims to decide factors that are affecting a physician’s quality of medical-services in today’s medical-care market country-wise such as Bangladesh. It further describes the relationship among the factors and then decides its influence affecting the physician’s quality of medical-care services. Here primary data was collected from patients and patient-attendants in different private and government hospitals found in Dhaka City. This data statistics are used in this study for quantitative research approaches to conduct the goals. The dependent variable “quality of medical-services (PQMCS)” is regressed on six explanatory variables: a) pharmaceutical products promotional impact b) lengthy prescription c) unnecessary test requirements d) spending less time e) poor communication with patients and f) requirements for longer staying in hospital (private hospitals cases) etc. These characteristics were gathered from survey-opinions of patients and patient-attendants. These data statistics are used to decide the validity of the model. All multiple regression assumption tests were found to be valid. According to regression analysis, it was found that each of the explanatory variables have a substantial negative impact on a physician’s quality of medical-services in the medical-care market. The analysis from one-way ANOVA reveals that patients and patient-attendants have similar feelings of the six independent variables that undermine a physician’s quality of medical-services on duty. Results from this study can be used by policymakers as well as leaderships of hospitals (government and private) for policy-design and for administrative approaches addressing today’s problem of medical-care market in Bangladesh. Since most physicians are employed either in government or in private sector or in both sectors, it is obvious that enforcing effective management systems can be instrumental curtailing the magnitudes of the problem soon. Obviously, in this case both government & private hospitals must work together for the interest of Bangladeshi-society, which can ensure quality & sustainable medical-care market soon in Bangladesh. The findings of this study can be a synopsis of medical-care services in today’s business-driven world country-wise where undertaking further study on policy-design can be instrumental.