Determination of the levels of heavy metals and physicochemical properties of borehole water within selected mining sites in Ebonyi State, Nigeria
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The level of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, As, Cr, Ni, Co, Zn) and physicochemical parameters in borehole water sources within selected mining sites in Ebonyi State, Nigeria were determined using FS240AA Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) according to the method of American Public Health Association (APHA). Water samples were collected from Enyigba mining site, Ikwo mining site, Ameri Amekamining site, Izza mining site, Mkpume Akwatakwa mining site and Mpume Akwaokuku mining sites. Composite water samples were collected within the mining locales and 500 metres away from the mining locations using two liters plastic jars. Similarly, the control samples were taken from Abakaliki (about 15 km away from mining area) where there was no evidence of mining activity. A total of 14 sub-samples were collected for this study. Generally, the levels of heavy metals in the borehole water samples were higher than the values recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). This however suggests a possible mobility of the metals from mining sites into the groundwater sources through leaching. The findings from this study have revealed the need to purify borehole water within mining areas prior to industrial and domestic use.
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