Evaluation of energy consumption and CO₂ emission in a standard traditional building located in tropical region, a case of Madagascar Island
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Energy demand varies depending on the location chosen for construction. The main objective of this research is to analyze the bioclimatic potential of different climatic zones in different regions of Madagascar. For this, this research assesses and compares the indoor air temperature, the energy requirement, the carbon emission and the relative humidity in a traditional building commonly found in cities in sub-Saharan Africa, which was designed to be placed in four cities unevenly distributed in four climatic zones of Madagascar. In order to achieve this goal, hourly meteorological data for the past thirty years has been analyzed for two seasons (dry season and rainy season). At the same time, the adaptive comfort model defined by ASHRAE 55 served as a reference for evaluating the different potentials of passive design. The results showed that by 2030 the need for energy is expected to increase globally in these different cities studied. Like other countries around the world, it is recommended that countries in Sub-Saharan Africa conduct more of this kind of energy. Study in order to establish a construction standard specific to this region of the world.
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