Open Access Peer-reviewed Editorial

Steadily progress into the future

Main Article Content

Muammer Kaya, Editor-in-Chief corresponding author


Thirty three manuscripts were contributed by 71 authors: 14 authors are from China; 11 from Fiji; 5 from Iran, Russia, Italy, and Bangladesh; 4 from Australia; 3 from the USA, and Philippines; 2 from Turkey, Canada, India, Germany, Ukraine, and Madagascar; and 1 from Indonesia, France, Belgium, and Cameroon. REE is an international and interdisciplinary Journal. I hope REE will be indexed in some authority academic databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, etc. in the future.

Article Details

How to Cite
Kaya, M. (2021). Steadily progress into the future. Resources and Environmental Economics, 4(1), 312-313.