Vol 1 No 1 (2019)

Published: 2019-06-01

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Page 18-22

Preliminary psychometric evidence of the Greek adaptation to the EC-CC HOME scale for use in institutional environments

blankpage Anna K Touloumakos, Alexia Barrable, Kalomoira Tsantila

Although lacking in official figures, latest reports from NGOs highlight that Greece has over 85 institutional settings that house more than 2,500 children, excluding unaccompanied minors entering the system continuously for the past few years. Given the impact that institutional care has been found to have on psychological and cognitive outcomes, the authors make the case for the adaptation of Early Childhood Child Care HOME (EC-CC-HOME) a world-renowned instrument that assesses children’s child-care environment. In this instance, we have adapted the child-care version of HOME to assess the physical and organisations aspects of the residential environment, following the permission and through collaboration with the developer. This brief report presents some of the preliminary evidence of the first step undertaken towards the full adaptation of EC-CC-HOME in Greek and for use in institutional environments; participants were 29 children residing in such environments. Preliminary results on the psychometric characteristics of the measure, especially in relation to the learning aspect of the environment presented here, hold promise. This is an especially important first indication of how the measure works in view of the imminent adaptation of the scale to be used with institutional environments where children can benefit greatly from such a measure. Issues in relation to good practices in providing evidence for the psychometric characteristics of measures are briefly discussed as part of this investigation.

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Page 7-17

Measurement invariance of maternal ratings of ADHD symptoms across clinic referred children's with and without ADHD

blankpage Rapson Gomez, Alasdair Vance, Vasileios Stavropoulos

The study examined the measurement invariance (configural, metric, scalar, and error variances) and factor mean scores equivalencies of a modified version of the Strengths and Weaknesses of ADHD-Symptoms and Normal Behavior Scale (SWAN-M) across ratings provided by mothers of clinic-referred children and adolescents, diagnosed with (N = 666) and without (N = 202) ADHD. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of these ratings provided support for the bi-factor model of ADHD [orthogonal general and specific factors for inattention (IA) and hyperactivity/impulsivity (HI) symptoms].  Multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the bi-factor model supported full measurement invariance. Findings also showed that for latent mean scores, the ADHD group had higher scores than the non-ADHD group for the ADHD general and IA specific factors. The findings indicate that observed scores (based on maternal ratings of the SWAN-M) are comparable, as they have the same measurement properties. The theoretical, psychometric and clinical implications of the findings are discussed.

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Page 1-6

Interpersonal skills and emotion management: Impact of social leadership on job satisfaction of workers

blankpage Allan Phiri, Najma Bano, Amtul Raouf

Psychological cognition is an important aspect in human psychology and management. This article is aimed to look at interpersonal emotional management interpersonal emotion management as a theoretical important indicator of job satisfaction. The main discussion is on how to predict employees’ job satisfaction through the implementation of interpersonal emotion management strategies and the main source of research is review of existing literature. This review addresses the gap in the literature by reviewing the role of interpersonal emotional management on followers’ job performance. This review finds the relationship between interpersonal emotional management which consists of four dimensions: circumstance adjustment, attentional placement, cognitive change, modulation of emotional response and job satisfaction. Overall, this literature review contributes to the interpersonal emotion management and job satisfaction literatures by providing meaningful management implications to the organizations.

Abstract views: 2845   PDF downloads: 1828  

Pages 67-71

Internal business communication through social media: A case study of a university specialized in business education

blankpage Hicham Ait Salem

In present era, usage of social media is very common. This study used interview questionnaire to explore employees’ behaviors and beliefs towards usage of social media and further its role and importance as an internal communication tool in Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China. Ten employees of university from different departments were interviewed about their views regarding different factors related to use of social media and further its role as an internal communication tool. It was found that the most frequently used social media were WeChat and QQ. ZJGSU University employees believed that social media were convenient, instant medium for communication (sharing pictures and videos) and they may enhance flow and effectiveness of internal communication in ZJGSU. The study found that although employees generally have a good perception about social media but there is need for improvement for either adopting a proper enterprise social media or proper utilization of WeChat for effective internal communication. As the sample size in this study was small so it limits generalization and external validity of the findings, yet its focus on the different factors and benefits of using social media integrates to its originality with the thought that social media may help enhance the flow and effectiveness of internal communication in an organization.

Abstract views: 3080   PDF downloads: 1576  

Page 23-66

Explaining ADVA and TAADVA: Risk factors and correlates

blankpage Karlie Emma Stonard

While research regarding the correlates and risk factors of Adolescent Dating Violence and Abuse (ADVA) has been established, less research has explored what factors that might be associated with adolescents’ involvement in Technology-Assisted Adolescent Dating Violence and Abuse (TAADVA). This paper therefore reviews the literature to have reported on risk factors for ADVA and correlates of TAADVA in order to assess the current state of this knowledge base and look for similarities and differences between factors identified. A range of factors were identified that were important in ADVA and TAADVA victimisation and/or instigation and these are considered in terms of the level of theory that they can support in terms of their ability to explain ADVA and TAADVA, in addition to where they sit within an ecological framework. Due to research on TAADVA being relatively recent in comparison to ADVA, only correlates were identified in studies investigating associated factors whereas longitudinal risk factors have been well established with regard to ADVA that has been researched more extensively. Future research should attempt to standardise measures of risk factors and correlates in order to make comparisons more accurate and move research forward by developing a comprehensive theory of ADVA and TAADVA.