Educational robotics and STEAM in early childhood education
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The interest in the future configuration, focusing on the innovative technologies and more specifically on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math), is remarkably increased. The value of STEAM education is undeniable as a means of developing basic skills and competencies of young students improving the learning process, developing communication skills, and solving real-life difficulties. The current research study was completed in the context of an actual learning process, with the view to study educational robotics in kindergarten students to engage them with STEAM education, using the programmable robot Bee-Bot® initially. The didactic intervention was held, which was developed in two phases. More specifically, a sample of 12 children (age range: 5–6 years old) took part in an intensive educational robotics lab for 16 sessions (4 weeks) by using a bee-shaped robot called Bee-Bot®. The results of our current research study revealed that STEAM education could also take place in a speech therapy clinic using the appropriate educational robots. Our young students developed and mastered knowledge in programming and computerizing, and algorithmic thinking with playful mod using educational robots, and they also built their vocabulary and develop communication skills.
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