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The influence of technology-integrated curriculum resources on student engagement and academic achievement in higher education

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Usman Abubakar corresponding author
Oyeronke O. Ogunlade
Hussaini Aliyu Ibrahim


This descriptive survey investigates the influence of technology-integrated curriculum resources on student engagement and academic achievement in tertiary institutions in Sokoto State, Nigeria. The study addresses four research questions focusing on educators' understanding of technology integration, its impact on student engagement and academic achievement, and the role of socioeconomic, cultural, and infrastructural factors. Data were collected from 318 participants using a structured questionnaire and analysed descriptively. Findings reveal a positive perception of technology integration among educators, with high mean scores indicating strong understanding and favourable attitudes towards technology-integrated curriculum resources. However, variability exists in specific beliefs and practices, highlighting the need for targeted professional development and policy support. Moreover, while students perceive technology integration positively for aspects like assignment completion and curiosity, there are lower ratings for making learning exciting and connecting to subjects. The study underscores the significance of addressing socioeconomic, cultural, and infrastructural factors in promoting effective technology integration and recommends investments in infrastructure, comprehensive professional development, clear policy frameworks, collaborative partnerships, and ongoing research to enhance technology-enhanced education in Sokoto State.

technology integration, curriculum resource integration, students engagement, academic achievement

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How to Cite
Abubakar, U., Ogunlade, O. O., & Ibrahim, H. A. (2024). The influence of technology-integrated curriculum resources on student engagement and academic achievement in higher education. Advances in Mobile Learning Educational Research, 4(2), 1208-1223.


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