Designing Android learning media to improve problem-solving skills of ratio
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This study aims to determine the process of developing android-based learning media on comparative material to improve mathematical problem-solving skills and find validation through android-based learning media to improve mathematical problem-solving abilities. This research was conducted through research and development, where this research refers to 4D development, which consists of four steps: define, design, develop, and disseminate. This research was carried out to develop measures due to restrictions on the activities of emergency communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic; this is one of the limitations of this research. Researchers use documents such as curriculum to collect data at the define and design stages, while a validation sheet is used for the development stage. The data analysis technique used descriptive qualitative at the define and design stage, and the development stage uses quantitative descriptive analysis. The main finding in this research is the prototype of android learning media on ratio. The results showed that V Aiken obtained more than 0.750, so this media prototype can be used for the following research stage.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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