Vol 2 No 1 (2022)

Published: 2022-06-30

Abstract views: 2620   PDF downloads: 1096  

Page 297-307

Digital activism in students of a university in central Mexico in the COVID-19 era

blankpage José Marcos Bustos Aguayo, Jorge Hernandez Valdes, Victor Hugo Meriño Cordoba, Margarita Juárez Nájera, Francisco Rubén Sandoval Vázquez, Enrique Martinez Muñoz, Cruz García Lirios

The exploration of the dimensions of digital activism was the aim of this work. The first and second non-experimental studies were carried out with a non-probabilistic selection of 100 students, considering their affiliation with student organizations. A four-dimensional structure was set up; technological habitus, computational self-efficacy, diffusion of innovations, and Internet mobilization explained 48% of the total variance, although the design limited the results to the research scenario, suggesting the extension of the study and the inclusion of variables such as; training, socialization and intention to use the devices and networks.

Abstract views: 2322   PDF downloads: 1599  

Page 278-288

An evaluation of educational apps for preschool-age children in Android and iOS

blankpage Anastasia Strataki

Applications (apps) available as educational in digital app stores for preschoolers claim that they offer to learn content on a wide range of basic academic skills, including counting, reading, and pattern recognition. This research aimed to investigate the educational quality of a range of educational applications for Android and iOS Operating Systems aimed at preschool-age children, i.e., children from 3 to 5 years old. The evaluation was done using two scientific tools: the rubrics published by Lee & Cherner entitled "A Comprehensive Evaluation Rubric for Assessing Instructional Apps" and by Papadakis, Kalogiannakis & Zaranis entitled "Designing and creating an educational app rubric for preschool teachers". The research results showed that most proclaimed educational applications did not have a real educational value. Research extensions are discussed.

Abstract views: 3019   PDF downloads: 1467  

Page 263-267

The web-based behavior of online learning: An evaluation of different countries during the COVID-19 pandemic

blankpage Dilkhaz Yaseen Mohammed

COVID-19, a pandemic that the world has not seen in decades, has caused several new obstacles for student learning and education throughout the globe. As a consequence of the worldwide surge of COVID-19 instances, several schools and institutions in almost every region of the globe have closed in 2020 or switched to online or remote learning, which will have a variety of repercussions for student learning. This has led to educators and students spending more time online than ever before, with both groups researching, learning, and familiarizing themselves with information, resources, tools, and frameworks to adapt to online or remote learning. Data mining and analysis are being done to analyze such online activity. For the construction of this dataset, the web-based data in the form of search interests connected to online learning, gathered through Google searches, was mined using Google Trends. Currently, the dataset comprises web-based data related to online learning for the 20 nations that COVID-19 negatively touched at the time of its construction. This project aims to create and evaluate time-series forecasting models of a country's end-of-term performance, explore how the pandemic has influenced the migrations of people throughout the globe, and estimate the nations' future online learning needs. Regression techniques such as linear regression, multilayer regression, and SMO regression are utilized. This is done by looking at previous data, identifying the trends, and creating short-term or long-term projections. The data demonstrate that the approach of SMO regression causes fewer errors with improved accuracy compared to others.

Abstract views: 3276   PDF downloads: 1269  

Page 251-262

Content manager for serious games: Theoretical framework and digital platform

blankpage Anastasios Kristofer Barianos, Alexandros Papadakis, Nikolas Vidakis

In education, digital or traditional, the material studied by students is the basis from which they will achieve knowledge. For this reason, schoolbooks have been meticulously designed to be scientifically correct and pedagogically sound. With the digitization and growth of education, and the shift to adaptive learning methods, educational content is no longer centrally decided and distributed; instead, many professionals are allowed to create and distribute material within their area of expertise, and educators often develop material for their classes. Still, educational games and their material are designed and developed similarly to books, where introducing new material by third parties is not an option. Even though techniques that could assist in the creation of adaptable, customizable gameplay and content are available and are often used in commercial games, their utilization requires technical knowledge that does not allow wide use by educators to create educational material. In this paper, we introduce a framework that will allow educators to create and manage educational content for serious games and create customized versions to cover the needs of their students and unlock the potential of adaptive learning. Towards this goal, we developed a pilot implementation of the framework that provides all the necessary tools to game developers to create adaptable games and retrieve game customizations from a server. Furthermore, a web platform has been developed where educators can browse for customizable games and custom sessions. These games and sessions have educators’ custom created educational content. With our framework and supportive tools and platform, we will elevate the educational value of serious games by including educators in content creation, content manipulation, game customization and thus gameplay personalization.

Abstract views: 2587   PDF downloads: 1518  

Pages 246-250

The mental resilience of employees in special education during the pandemic Covid-19

blankpage Georgia Konstantopoulou, Vlassi Dimitra, Ioanna Papakala, Renieri Styliani, Tomara Vasiliki, Maria Ioakeimidi, Antonios D. Niros, Michail Boutis, Theodoros Iliou

In the present work, an investigation is carried out for the burnout of Special Education Teachers and Special Support Staff, as considered necessary to investigate, to communicate this aspect of the problems caused by the pandemic. The special education teachers' sector did not have to be part of a research interest, which aroused their interest in this work. The questionnaire was made through his platform Google Forms, shared electronically in all country regions, and responded to these seventy-four people as a sample. Given the statistical results, it appeared that positive emotions largely possessed respondents; it was adaptive and optimistic despite the difficulties they faced. To ensure the reliability of the results, a corresponding one was sought content surveys to compare results and see any similarities or differences.

Abstract views: 1776   PDF downloads: 998  

Page 234-245

Forms of communications in scratch and the SOLO taxonomy

blankpage Anastasios Ladias, Theodoros Karvounidis, Dimitrios Ladias

This paper attempts to categorize parameters of communication between codes observed in the Scratch programming environment, using the SOLO taxonomy. These parameters are the form of communication (within an object, between different objects and to serve external devices scenarios), the mechanism used for communication (Polling and Interrupt techniques) and the ratio between the number of transmitters and receivers, which will be considered in a future work. Implementing this categorization in a two-dimensional table of representative codes for each case is formed. In this table, one dimension corresponds to the forms of communication and the other dimension to the mechanisms used. The ranking of the codes in each of the dimensions is done by means of the levels of the SOLO taxonomy. The table can be used to develop criteria for assessing the qualitative characteristics of the codes produced by students within a broader assessment system.

Abstract views: 1558   PDF downloads: 982  

Page 225-233

Online conferencing platforms as operational tools by health professionals: A pilot study

blankpage Eleni Papadopoulou; Elisavet Parlapani, Stefanos Armakolas

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health professionals provided their services online or by telephone. The science of telemedicine is helping to reduce social inequalities, improve health services, and support patients with chronic diseases regardless of geographic location, income, or educational level. This study aimed to investigate the degree of familiarity, skills, and satisfaction of health professionals with the provision of telehealth—the use of remote therapies in times of emergency, such as a pandemic. The analysis of the results showed that although health professionals feel familiar with the electronic platforms for teleconferencing, they need training and technical support to automate their electronic services to become as functional as the face-to-face sessions. The study contributed by identifying limited knowledge regarding the credentials and potentials of online teleconferencing systems on behalf of health experts.

Abstract views: 3935   PDF downloads: 1999  

Page 216-224

Designing Android learning media to improve problem-solving skills of ratio

blankpage Anisa Verawati, Denik Agustito, Widowati Pusporini, Wikan Budi Utami, Sri Adi Widodo

This study aims to determine the process of developing android-based learning media on comparative material to improve mathematical problem-solving skills and find validation through android-based learning media to improve mathematical problem-solving abilities. This research was conducted through research and development, where this research refers to 4D development, which consists of four steps: define, design, develop, and disseminate. This research was carried out to develop measures due to restrictions on the activities of emergency communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic; this is one of the limitations of this research. Researchers use documents such as curriculum to collect data at the define and design stages, while a validation sheet is used for the development stage. The data analysis technique used descriptive qualitative at the define and design stage, and the development stage uses quantitative descriptive analysis. The main finding in this research is the prototype of android learning media on ratio. The results showed that V Aiken obtained more than 0.750, so this media prototype can be used for the following research stage.

Abstract views: 2975   PDF downloads: 1476  

Page 201-215

An adaptable multi-learner serious game for learning cultural heritage

blankpage Fotis Lazarinis, Ioannis Boididis, Lefteris Kozanidis, Dimitris Kanellopoulos

The current study presents an adaptable light game engine, which is used to produce interactive educational settings focused on cultural heritage. The tool is implemented using inexpensive and open source technologies. In this paper we first discuss the architecture of the application and we then present two games developed by using the proposed engine. The produced games are multi-user and support the collaboration and communication among learners and among learners and instructors. Learners earn marks, badges and certificates as they study the material and complete the quizzes. Various evaluation experiments have been realized to understand the suitability of the produced content in educational activities. The evaluation results of the authentic educational actions were quite positive and supportive by both students and teachers.

Abstract views: 2223   PDF downloads: 1195  

Page 187-200

Strengthening the coding skills of teachers in a low dropout Python MOOC

blankpage Fotis Lazarinis, Anthi Karatrantou, Christos Panagiotakopoulos, Vassilis Daloukas, Theodor Panagiotakopoulos

In this paper, we present a structured approach to developing an outreach program aimed at improving the coding abilities of pre- and in-service teachers. The paper presents the design and development decisions made using the ADDIE model. External evaluators assessed the material's quality, confirmed the estimated workload, and examined the material's relevance to the educational goals. Learners’ active participation was encouraged through multiple quizzes, and learners were assisted in their learning activities by means of practical examples. Based on the number of people who actually logged into the course, a completion rate of 70.84 percent is achieved. The paper presents and discusses the findings of an evaluation conducted with the assistance of experienced teachers and course participants.

Abstract views: 3183   PDF downloads: 1431  

Page 180-186

Preschool and early primary school age children learning of computational thinking through the use of asynchronous learning environments in the age of Covid-19

blankpage Evaggelia Skaraki, Fotios Kolokotronis

This current study aims to examine through a literature review whether children of preschool and early primary school age can be taught distance computational thinking (CT) through asynchronous learning environments in the age of covid. Over the past few years in Greece, a sharp rise in computational thinking has been noted as both students and teachers feel the need to create more imaginative and interactive ways. The study results illustrate the significance of digital media in the educational process and the educator’s crucial role in using such digital tools in preschool and early primary school age. The cooperation between educators of preschool age and teachers of Information Technology could offer new dimensions and provide numerous benefits to the learning process. Distance learning programs could help teachers’ training process through properly structured material that corresponds more effectively to the learning of CT.

Abstract views: 1871   PDF downloads: 952  

Page 171-179

The mobile internet as a tool of education and as a means of intimidation and victimization in the field of Ecclesiastical Education

blankpage Christos Alpochoritis, Stefanos Armakolas, Eleni Karfaki

The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has undoubtedly influenced children, adolescents, and young people's social interactions and behavior. The use of technology has not only positive but also negative consequences. In recent years, research has shifted from traditional bullying to new forms of bullying, such as cyberbullying. In Greece, there is a research gap in investigating this phenomenon among students of Ecclesiastical Schools. This paper investigates the frequency of bullying and victimization of these students through digital means, as well as their views on the role of Ecclesiastical Education in the prevalence of cyberbullying.

Abstract views: 5157   PDF downloads: 2647  

Pages 268-277

The teaching of Natural Sciences in kindergarten based on the principles of STEM and STEAM approach

blankpage Efrosini Kastriti, Michail Kalogiannakis, Sarantos Psycharis, Denis Vavougios

Across all levels of education, Natural Sciences is a scientific field that is gaining considerable research interest. However, in recent years a growing interest in the introduction of Science in Preschool Education can be seen among scientists, as they realize that the children’s first experiences will be the cornerstone of the relationship they are going to develop with this scientific field in the future. It is accepted that children approach and understand the new knowledge taught in the classroom in the context of what they already know. Their pre-existing beliefs and experiential knowledge are the foundations upon which the new concepts will be merged. Based on these perceptions, children approach, "decode," and understand new knowledge through the interaction of the two cognitive systems, the pre-existing and the taught new enriched cognitive patterns. The kindergarten environment cannot remain isolated and uninfluenced by the developments in a constantly changing world. The goal of Kindergarten is to properly prepare its students to become active citizens of their country by helping them get all the necessary skills. In this way, the STEM and STEAM approach seems to be progressively gaining ground in Preschool Education. Various researchers emphasize the importance and positive outcomes of implementing a STEM education program in Kindergarten, as children can acquire at an early age all the necessary resources that will play a decisive role in their later life. According to the above, this study is a literature and article review with its primary purpose to verify the above assumptions. More specifically, this article showcases the importance of teaching Science in Preschool Education and its practicability at this age group. There is also a presentation of the holistic educational STEAM approach. The main goal of this presentation is to emphasize the contribution of this educational approach towards a more effective teaching of Science in Kindergarten and in-depth learning and understanding of natural concepts by preschoolers.

Abstract views: 5729   PDF downloads: 2792  

Pages 289-296

ICT tools for remote teaching and learning mathematics: A proposal for autonomy and engagements

blankpage Niroj Dahal, Netra Kumar Manandhar, Laxman Luitel, Bal Chandra Luitel, Binod Prasad Pant, Indra Mani Shrestha

This paper explores the paradigm shift in using ICT tools while teaching mathematics remotely within the TPACK framework. Remote teaching is not only one of the primary modes of teaching and learning in the present context throughout the world but the transition from paper to the digital world, where mathematics teachers struggle to visualize the content concisely and clearly. This paper focuses on promoting pedagogy and learning and learner empowerment by emphasizing autonomy and engagement rather than technology. The ethos of this paper is all about encouraging the mathematics teachers to promote the students for quality engagement while teaching remotely. However, all the remotely leading ICT tools require some techniques and methodologies, thereby the mathematics teachers' skill, experience, and expertise. Those skills, experiences, and expertise will be developed by excelling in mathematics teachers' ICT tools. This paper shall be one of the guiding principles for mathematics teachers (but not limited to) while dealing with the mathematics content remotely and/or in any other mode.