ICT tools for remote teaching and learning mathematics: A proposal for autonomy and engagements
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This paper explores the paradigm shift in using ICT tools while teaching mathematics remotely within the TPACK framework. Remote teaching is not only one of the primary modes of teaching and learning in the present context throughout the world but the transition from paper to the digital world, where mathematics teachers struggle to visualize the content concisely and clearly. This paper focuses on promoting pedagogy and learning and learner empowerment by emphasizing autonomy and engagement rather than technology. The ethos of this paper is all about encouraging the mathematics teachers to promote the students for quality engagement while teaching remotely. However, all the remotely leading ICT tools require some techniques and methodologies, thereby the mathematics teachers' skill, experience, and expertise. Those skills, experiences, and expertise will be developed by excelling in mathematics teachers' ICT tools. This paper shall be one of the guiding principles for mathematics teachers (but not limited to) while dealing with the mathematics content remotely and/or in any other mode.
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