Open Access Peer-reviewed Research Article

Developing powerpoint-based interactive multimedia of mathematics learning multiples and factors materials for elementary school

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Septian Adi Nugroho
Trisniawati Trisniawati corresponding author
Nelly Rhosyida


This research aims to describe PowerPoint-based interactive multimedia products in learning multiple material mathematics and class IV factors of the Karangtengah Baru, Imogiri State Elementary School, and describe the feasibility of the product. This research uses a development method or Research and Development (R&D), which includes six stages of development. The results of this development study show that the product developed meets valid and practical criteria. The validity can be categorized as "Very Good", with an average score of 4.6 and a percentage of 92%. The assessment results from media experts are categorized as "Good", with an average score of 3.9 and a percentage of 78.7%. The assessment results from media experts are categorized as "Good", with an average score of 3.9 and a percentage of 78.7%. Assessment from class teachers is categorized as "Very Good", with an average score of 4.7 and a percentage of 95.7%. Practicality seen from student response assessments can be categorized as "Very Good", with an average score of 4.7 and a percentage of 94% of 10 students as respondents. Based on the above exposure, it can be concluded that PowerPoint-based interactive multimedia products are developed and feasible for use in Class IV elementary mathematics learning multiple materials and factors.

multimedia, interactive, PowerPoint, mathematics

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How to Cite
Nugroho, S. A., Trisniawati, T., & Rhosyida, N. (2022). Developing powerpoint-based interactive multimedia of mathematics learning multiples and factors materials for elementary school. Advances in Mobile Learning Educational Research, 2(2), 411-420.


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