Enhancing students' critical thinking skills in physics: Exploring problem-based learning and mobile technology integration in rotational dynamics education
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This study examines and identifies the profile of students' critical thinking skills in studying Rotational Dynamics and explores the potential of the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model in enhancing these skills. The research utilized a pre-research approach with qualitative descriptive analysis, involving a sample of 90 students from class XI MIPA in Nganjuk city. Data were collected through critical thinking tests, surveys, and interviews. The findings revealed that the majority of students exhibited low critical thinking skills, particularly in the areas of basic clarification, basic support, and advanced clarification. Gender differences were also evident, with male students generally outperforming female students across all indicators. Teachers predominantly employed lecture methods and conventional teaching materials, which hindered students' ability to visualize the concepts being taught. These results highlight the need for innovative learning approaches to enhance students' critical thinking skills in physics education. This study proposes the integration of Android-based 3D digital modules into physics learning on Rotational Dynamics. It is anticipated that this innovation will significantly increase student engagement and stimulate critical thinking skills. This research contributes to the literature by demonstrating the potential of combining PBL models with digital technology to improve the quality of physics education.
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