Learning the chemical elements through an augmented reality application for elementary school children
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Traditional learning in the chemistry course has often been seen as a boring course among students due to the use of static, non-dynamic, and interactive learning materials. The implementation of digital media in education has provided multiple advantages, the implementation of technologies such as augmented reality promotes effective learning because it makes it possible for students to interact with virtual elements in our real environment. The present research was delimited in the development of an application with augmented reality for the learning of chemical elements in 5th grade of elementary school students, to provide a support tool for both teachers and students, to help achieve a better understanding of the chemical elements. For the development of the augmented reality application called "Atomik-3D", the Mobile-D methodology was used, which is focused on the development of mobile applications; once the application was developed, functional tests were carried out to analyze surface recognition characteristics and ease of use, to analyze the performance a total of 20 tests were carried out giving us positive results. Through the analysis of the results, it was possible to identify that, for the recognition of flat surfaces, the mobile application has a good performance on illuminated surfaces with more than 30 lux. Likewise, the Marker technology used in this project has a very efficient recognition time of a flat area, being mostly no more than 1.5 seconds. Finally, 85% of the participants surveyed agreed that the application developed was easy and very easy to use.
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