The effectiveness of artificial intelligence (AI) on daily educational activities of undergraduates in a modern and diversified university environment
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This study assessed the effectiveness of AI and AI-related technologies in the daily educational activities of undergraduate students in a modern and diversified university environment. The participants were 13 undergraduate Indonesian students participating in a mobility program for two weeks in Malaysia. A survey questionnaire designed with the help of the existing literature and ChatGPT, which includes ten (10) structured items and seven (7) open-ended questions, was used to collect the data. The relevant SPSS tests were used to analyze the data. Based on the results, of all 13 participants, 12 (92.3%) of them already experienced AI in their daily educational activities, and there were strong positive correlations between the attitudes toward AI and AI experiences, and attitudes toward AI and the effects of AI on education attributes, with correlation scores of .663 and .833 respectively. Based on the participant's answers to the qualitative questions, most of them believed that AI and AI technologies, such as ChatGPT, are helpful in daily educational activities and help them gain information regardless of time and space limitations and do their university-related assignments quickly. Based on the results, AI and AI-related technologies could transform different aspects of modern education.
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