Open Access Peer-reviewed Research Article

Mobile Technologies: Undergraduate STEM Students’ Perspectives about Webtools for Writing

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Michael William Dunn corresponding author
Wendy Olson
Adenike Otoikhian
Jon Anderson
Weili Yuan
Kyrin Gregory


Many students struggle with writing skills. The most recent National Assessment of Educational Progress-Writing (2017) concluded that only 25% of eighth- and twelfth-grade students could proficiently write a text. The results for students from diverse backgrounds were even lower. This has impacts on students as they move into post-secondary education and are expected to write more specific genres of texts such as lab reports. This study focused on lower-division university STEM students completing an online survey about their writing skills and how webtools could be a source to help them improve the content and quality of their writing during a 15-week semester. The results of the survey (n = 40) and follow-up interviews of students (n = 10) indicated that they have persistent challenges with writing such as organizing ideas and editing. With access to the writing webtools at mid-semester, students' lab report grades demonstrated improved content and quality scores in weeks 8-15. The authors also discuss limitations and ideas for future research.

Writing Webtools, STEM, Mobile Technologies

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Supporting Agencies
This project was funded by an internal grant from the authors' university and College of Education.
How to Cite
Dunn, M. W., Olson, W., Otoikhian, A., Anderson, J., Yuan, W., & Gregory, K. (2025). Mobile Technologies: Undergraduate STEM Students’ Perspectives about Webtools for Writing. Advances in Mobile Learning Educational Research, 5(1), 1314-1327.


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