Use of an e-toolkit in the development of digital competencies in Weeks of International Teaching
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Numerous scholars have emphasized the advantages of travelling abroad to enhance one's skills. Nevertheless, the pandemic has revealed the immense importance of digital skills in every aspect of our current information-based society. There is an increased demand for both physical and digital workplaces. As a result, universities must modify their educational programs to meet the requirements of employers and equip their students with the abilities and proficiencies essential to navigate this new era of the hybrid work environment. In this study, we focused on developing digital competence levels of international students and teachers during an International Week event using an e-toolkit and their acceptance of that digital tool following a mixed-method approach. Our results showed significant improvement in some dimensions of their digital competencies associated with digital content creation and problem-solving. Additionally, valuable results were shown regarding participants' perceptions of the e-toolkit's usefulness and ease of use. This study facilitates the potential international experiences can have on the digital competencies of both students and teachers with the use of innovative technological tools and the need for generalization on a larger scale and implementation of a more in-depth assessment.
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