Vol 3 No 1 (2023)

Published: 2023-06-30

Abstract views: 1140   PDF downloads: 580  

Page 727-738

Design of a mobile app for the learning of algorithms for university students

blankpage Gino Vásquez Navarro, Ashley Córdova Dávila, Miguel Ángel Cano Lengua, Laberiano Andrade Arenas

This research work is based on the realization of a prototype of a mobile app for the learning of algorithms for university students applying the methodology of design thinking because nowadays, this methodology is becoming more popular and used by many companies for its iterative processes in which we seek to understand the user and redefine problems in an attempt to identify strategies and solutions alternatives that might not be instantly apparent with an initial level of understanding. Using this methodology, we identified and designed what users needed, focusing on UI and UX with the info we recollected from the many interviews and forms we made. The results of this research were the complete prototype for the subsequent development of the mobile app on future projects and much feedback that we will consider from the final users to improve the app. Thanks to this app, many students can practice and learn about different algorithms and expand their minds to generate solutions to one problem.

Abstract views: 1165   PDF downloads: 584  

Page 702-717

Use of an e-toolkit in the development of digital competencies in Weeks of International Teaching

blankpage Michail Kalogiannakis, Alkinoos Ioannis Zourmpakis, Michaela Menšíková, Francois Lategan, Athina Patelarou, Evridiki Patelarou, Nada Bruer Ljubišić, Maria Ampartzaki, Eirini Sifaki, Giorgos Papadourakis, Emmanouil Gonianakis

Numerous scholars have emphasized the advantages of travelling abroad to enhance one's skills. Nevertheless, the pandemic has revealed the immense importance of digital skills in every aspect of our current information-based society. There is an increased demand for both physical and digital workplaces. As a result, universities must modify their educational programs to meet the requirements of employers and equip their students with the abilities and proficiencies essential to navigate this new era of the hybrid work environment. In this study, we focused on developing digital competence levels of international students and teachers during an International Week event using an e-toolkit and their acceptance of that digital tool following a mixed-method approach. Our results showed significant improvement in some dimensions of their digital competencies associated with digital content creation and problem-solving. Additionally, valuable results were shown regarding participants' perceptions of the e-toolkit's usefulness and ease of use. This study facilitates the potential international experiences can have on the digital competencies of both students and teachers with the use of innovative technological tools and the need for generalization on a larger scale and implementation of a more in-depth assessment.

Abstract views: 1027   PDF downloads: 503  

Page 694-701

Organizational evaluation and human resources behavior

blankpage Eleni Vlachoudi, Georgios Tsekouropoulos, Eleni Tegkelidou, Ioanna Simeli, Nikolaos Katsonis

Internal evaluation is inextricably linked to increasing the efficiency of a school unit. The collection and evaluation of data on the performance of the school unit, the school class, and student potential is critical to increasing the effectiveness of a school structure. The purpose of this study is to determine how significantly a school's efficiency increases at all levels of its organizational structure when self-evaluation is used. According to the study's findings, the implementation of assessment within the context of the school classroom, lesson preparation, proper utilization of teaching time, and the use of alternative and innovative methods appear to have a direct impact on learning outcomes. Furthermore, feedback obtained through assessment aids in the improvement of learning performance and the design of lessons aimed at developing students' critical thinking, digital and soft skills.

Abstract views: 2965   PDF downloads: 1679  

Page 682-693

MOOCs 2012-2022: An overview

blankpage Stamatios Papadakis

Online learning has proven its effectiveness recently, especially during the coronavirus outbreak [COVID-19] that forced the closure of educational institutions in most countries. Many see MOOCs as an alternative to the traditional education system due to the flexibility of learning time and the absence of economic and geographical constraints. People can access educational content for free through platforms that deliver online learning content. However, MOOCs have long-standing challenges that need to be addressed. These include high dropout rates and reduced user participation in learning activities such as forums and comments. Furthermore, international research has identified a need for more relevant knowledge, despite the importance experts ascribe to MOOCs for delivering educational content. To this end, this chapter examines the establishment of MOOCs in terms of their pedagogical and technological dimensions, starting with a definition and a brief history of MOOCs. To this end, the characteristics of MOOCs will be reviewed. The practical issues that have emerged from more than ten years of experience in implementing MOOCs at the international level will also be considered.

Abstract views: 1399   PDF downloads: 912  

Page 671-681

Digital disruption in early childhood education from teachers' point of view: A qualitative research

blankpage Nafiz A. Ali Ahmad

In the digital age, teachers must have a more favourable attitude toward information and communication technology (ICT). In the current study, the researcher used a qualitative interview to learn more about early childhood teachers (ECTs) perspectives on the use of ICT in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The researcher in Palestine interviewed 63 female early childhood educators to collect data. "Thematic coding techniques" were used to analyze the interview data. Within five main themes, "ICT advantages" (8 sub-subjects), "the significance of ICT competencies" (2 sub-subjects), "promotion of the ICT training" (5 sub-themes), "the uses of ICT" (6 sub-subjects), and "challenges to using ICT", the research gathered specific information on how teachers perceived digital disruption during the Covid-19 pandemic (5 sub-subjects). The findings showed that increased promotion of ICT training that encourages ICT use among ECTs is necessary. This study adds to the body of knowledge regarding the application of ICT in the early childhood teaching process. Additionally, this study expands on empirical research findings that help report on the use of online learning in Early Childhood Education (ECE), particularly in times of crisis.

Abstract views: 1149   PDF downloads: 669  

Page 658-670

Greek secondary school teachers' degree of readiness in adopting mobile learning in the educational process

blankpage Evangelia Troulinaki

Much has been written and researched about mobile learning. The positive impact it has on education has been highlighted in these studies. However, the role of the teacher is also of fundamental importance. Teachers are not sidelined. On the contrary, they take on a different role: reinforcer and guide. Therefore, it is necessary to consider teachers' opinions on mobile learning. It was considered necessary to investigate the degree of readiness of secondary school teachers to adopt Mobile Learning, focusing on the Greek region. Specifically, the study examines how teachers' readiness is affected by their gender, years of teaching experience, whether or not they have attended relevant training, and the type of school they work in. A total of 175 teachers from schools in Heraklion, Rethymno and Rhodes were surveyed, focusing on secondary education. According to the survey, teachers recognize the potential benefits of using mobile devices in education.

Abstract views: 1680   PDF downloads: 990  

Page 648-657

The use of Kahoot in preschool mathematics education

blankpage Aikaterini Xezonaki

During the preschool period children acquire basic mathematics skills during preschool, the foundation for their later formal mathematics education. One tool that could enhance students' mathematical skills at this age and which utilizes the elements of games in non-game settings. This study aimed to implement an intervention program to examine whether gamification affects the mathematical competencies of preschool-aged students. Thirty-one students aged 4 to 6 participated, of which 15 shaped the experimental group and 16 shaped the control group. During the intervention program, students in the experimental group were tutored through tablets and games designed in Kahoot! application and involved basic math exercises such as addition and subtraction, while the control group did the same exercises without tablets. The results of the student's performance in the experimental group showed that their performance in mathematics before and after the intervention differed significantly. Therefore, students' mathematical skills were improved through Kahoot-based learning games. It can be concluded that the application of Kahoot! Learning games can improve the mathematical learning outcomes of preschool students. Pedagogical and psychological research should be used more to improve the mathematical skills of preschoolers.

Abstract views: 1496   PDF downloads: 1022  

Page 638-647

Problem-Based Learning model in improving critical thinking ability of elementary school students

blankpage Samsul Susilawati, Triyo Supriyatno

So far, elementary schools have found problems with students' critical thinking skills, which could be improved by implementing thematic learning, so a learning model is needed to train students' critical thinking skills. The purpose of this study was to analyze whether there were differences in the level of effectiveness of the Problem-Based Learning model in improving critical thinking skills in thematic learning of students in grade IV SD/MI, namely SDN II Weringinanom Poncokusmo Malang, East Java, Indonesia. This type of research is Classroom Action Research using qualitative and quantitative approaches. The subjects used in the study were class IV teachers and 46 students. The results showed an increase from cycle I to cycle II. The implementation of the teacher cycle I was 80.73%, increasing to 91.76% in cycle II and 85.09%, increasing to 92.96% in cycle II on student implementation. Thus, the Problem-Based Learning model has improved integrated thematic learning in fourth-grade students at SD SDN II Weringinanom Poncokusmo Malang, East Java, Indonesia.

Abstract views: 1965   PDF downloads: 989  

Page 621-629

Data mining: Application of digital marketing in education

blankpage Carlos Molina Huerta, Alan Sotelo Atahua, Jahir Villacrisis Guerrero, Laberiano Andrade-Arenas

The excessive cost of inadequate management of stored information resources by companies means a significant loss for them, causing them to invest more than they should in technology. To overcome and avoid more significant losses, companies must counteract this type of problem. The present work's aim is to apply good data mining through digital business marketing that will allow ordering and filtering of the relevant information in the databases through RapidMiner, to supply the companies' databases with only relevant information for the normal development of their functions. For this purpose, the Knowledge Discovery Databases (KDD) methodology will be used, which will allow us to filter and search for information patterns that are hidden in order to take advantage of the historical data of investment per student in the educational sector and to establish a more accurate and efficient data prediction. As a result, it was found that over the years, the expenditure per student increases regardless of the area in which it is located, that although not in all provinces same amount is allocated, it is observed that it maintains an upward trend concerning the expenditures made, concluding that the KDD methodology allowed us to graph and showed how the expenditure allocated to the education sector has varied in the different grades of education, providing relevant information that will be useful for future related studies.

Abstract views: 4567   PDF downloads: 2213  

Page 610-620

The use of mobile learning applications in higher education institutes

blankpage Tuychi Norbutayevich Jurayev

Nowadays, many people, especially students, enjoy spending their free time with mobile devices. The main reason for this is that an intelligent device based on current information presents the desires and requirements of students. A nowadays-promising technology to overcome the problems in m-learning, mobile devices provide reliable, customized and guaranteed dynamic computing environments for all users. This article presents a new pedagogical architecture for a mobile learning system in an extended cloud-computing environment enriched with smart devices. This architecture can be applied everywhere where there is a need for intensive teaching and learning in higher education. The system architecture was described together with the discussion of knowledge assessment methods possibilities and potential issues. In addition, a solution to the problem of developing applications for organizing mobile learning using the visual programming environment MIT App Inventor is proposed. The results of experiments on the use of mobile education were analyzed and presented in tabular diagram form.

Abstract views: 1128   PDF downloads: 612  

Page 602-609

Designing educational material to teach Braille to adult educators through the method of distance learning

blankpage Evaggelia Skaraki

The primary purpose of this research is to design and implement educational material through the method of distance learning to teach Braille to adult educators. Another main aim of this study is to probe into the possibilities distance learning offers learners and to what extent it can be conducive to a proper and effective teaching of Braille to adult educators. More specifically, the educational material was examined by three experts in distance learning education who contributed to its evaluation and further development. Subsequently, the educational material was examined by five educators who evaluated it.

Abstract views: 1780   PDF downloads: 1211  

Page 596-601

The effect of the whole language approach on learning motivation and productive communication skills of students

blankpage I Made Hendra Sukmayasa, I Nyoman Sudiana

This study aimed to examine the effect of the whole language approach on learning motivation and productive communication skills of third-grade students of SD Lab Undiksha for the academic year 2022/2023, both individually and together. This research is quasi-experimental. The research design used was the posttest-only control-group design. The population, which is also the sample in this study, are all third-grade students of SD Lab Undiksha, totalling 48 students. The independent variable in this study is the whole language approach. At the same time, the dependent variable in this study is students' learning motivation and productive communication skills. Data collection methods used are questionnaires and tests. The data on students' learning motivation and productive communication skills that have been collected are tabulated with the mean and standard deviation. The statistical analysis used to test the hypothesis is MANOVA. Based on the research that has been done, it was found that: 1) there was a significant effect of the whole language approach on the learning motivation of Class III students of SD Lab Undiksha in the academic year 2022/2023 with an F count of 75,037 and a significance of 0,000; 2) there is a significant effect of the whole language approach on the productive communication skills of Class III students of SD Lab Undiksha for the academic year 2022/2023 with an F count of 84,668 and a significance of 0,000, and 3) there is a significant effect of the whole language approach on learning motivation and productive communication skills of third-grade students of SD Lab Undiksha in the academic year 2022/2023 simultaneously with an F count of 73.211 and a significance of 0.000.

Abstract views: 1700   PDF downloads: 779  

Page 586-595

Mobile application to improve the learning of secondary school students

blankpage Estiven Mayhuay De La Cruz, Miguel Angel Trujillo Meza, Laberiano Andrade-Arenas

In recent years, there has been a low percentage of learning in all educational centres. This research aims to design a mobile application to improve learning and technical and soft skills in educational institutions in Peru. This way, it can be replicated in another country with a similar reality. Also, we used the Design Thinking methodology, which promotes innovation in each of its processes. Thanks to this, we focus not only on the application's development and deployment but also on users' experiences and feelings. During the methodology development process, the survey was used for data collection and analysis and the impact of the mobile application's development on education, having a population of 40 students, obtaining. As a result, a good acceptance of the mobile application, especially in public education.

Abstract views: 3040   PDF downloads: 1427  

Page 579-585

The use of digital storytelling to improve students' writing skills

blankpage Robiatul Munajah, Mohammad Syarif Sumantri, Yufiarti Yufiarti

Digital storytelling emerges from the integration of storytelling and digital to meet media needs in learning, such as communication and self-expression, as well as to facilitate learning by improving language skills, one aspect of story writing skills. The purpose of this research is to find out the needs of teachers and students in using digital storytelling. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection sources from teachers, as many as 10 participants and 60 students---data collection techniques through observation, semi-structured interviews via video calls, and supporting documentation. Based on the data analysis, most of them show that media and teaching materials used in offline and online learning are not much different. This fact illustrates that offline and online learning requires innovation from an educator to create an active and fun learning process for elementary school students to achieve learning objectives.

Abstract views: 1983   PDF downloads: 1032  

Page 570-578

Analyzing and comparing the effectiveness of various machine learning algorithms for Android malware detection

blankpage Muhammad Shoaib Akhtar

Android is the most extensively adopted mobile operating system in the world. The free third-party programmes that may be downloaded and installed contribute to this success by offering a wide range of features and functionalities. However, the freedom to utilize any third-party programme has spawned a never-ending tide of ever-evolving malicious software intending to harm the user in some way, shape, or form. In this work, we propose and show many methods for detecting malware on Android. An in-process detection system is built, including data analytics. It may use the detection system to look over your current app set and find any malicious software so you can remove it. Models based on machine learning allow for this to be accomplished. It has been investigated how well the models perform with two distinct feature sets: permissions and signatures. Initially, each dataset undergoes exploratory data analysis and feature engineering to narrow down the vast array of attributes. The next step is to determine if an application is malicious or safe using one of many supervised classification models derived from data mining. Different models' performance metrics are examined to find the method that provides the best outcomes for this malware detection task. Ultimately, it is seen that the signatures-based method is superior to the permissions-based. Classification methods such as k-nearest neighbours (kNN), logistic regression, support vector machines (SVM), and random forests (RF) are all equivalent in their efficacy.

Abstract views: 1160   PDF downloads: 483  

Page 562-569

Social media through mobile devices in the service of archival ethnographic research: The roads & places of Greek (Magnesia) migration to the USA

blankpage Alexandros Georgios Kapaniaris

This publication is carried out in the context of the research "Archival Ethnography with the Perspective of New Technologies: From the Land of Magnets to the Promised Land - Following Overseas Migration to the USA from the Late 19th Century to the Present" as a Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the University of Peloponnese. In particular, the social media and the group entitled "The roads \& places of migration of residents of Greece (Magnesia) to the USA" on Facebook constituted another research tool. The interested members (relatives of immigrants and citizens of Magnesia in Greece) posted documents for investigation (photographs, letters, newspaper clippings, advertising brochures of the time, birth certificates, manuscripts, letters, etc). The group members quickly posted relevant material via mobile devices (smartphones). At the same time, via messenger, some conversations resulted in oral testimonies (interviews in phases). Social media and the corresponding groups that can be created can be used in humanities research (history, folklore, archival ethnography) as digital notebooks using smartphones at any time and from various parts of a country. This article presents social media as internet technologies that can be used in collecting and digitizing evidence that can be useful in the analysis and elaboration of evidence-based research (archival ethnography).

Abstract views: 1937   PDF downloads: 1012  

Page 548-561

Using digital stories during COVID-19 to enhance early-grade learners' language skills

blankpage Pushpa Kumari Sunar, Niroj Dahal, Binod Prasad Pant

Language is something that a child learns from their environment. English, a global language, has become a popular demand in many countries, including Nepal. With a strong belief that children learn when actively engaged in the learning process, this study aims to enable early-grade learners to develop their language skills by emphasizing English speaking and listening skills. The question guides this research- how can digital storytelling pedagogy help to enhance early-grade learners' English language skills? Using action research, this study includes fifteen upper kindergarten learners and three parents as participants in two weeks’ virtual classroom settings. Data were collected through observation, field notes, interviews, and questionnaires. Significant findings show that digital storytelling pedagogy is effective in developing the language skills of early learners as it creates an environment where they can watch, listen, interact and communicate more. With exposure to new vocabularies through storytelling and in the meaning-making of the same, they became more acquainted with English and Nepali languages. Gestures and non-verbal communication were added advantages of digital stories.

Abstract views: 7104   PDF downloads: 3455  

Page 541-547

Influences of gadgets on students' learning achievement for elementary school

blankpage Sholekah Sholekah, Suad Suad, Achmad Hilal Madjdi, Hendri Pratama

This research aims to determine how much influence gadgets have on the learning outcomes of grade 4 elementary school students. This research is quantitative research with an ex post facto research design. In this study, the sampling technique used random cluster sampling with a population of 859 students and a sample of 141 students. The research instruments were questionnaires and tests. Instrument test using validity test and reliability test. The data analysis of the normality test, linearity test, and hypothesis test with the regression test, f-test, t-test and the coefficient of determination. The study’s results showed a significant effect of the use of gadgets on student learning outcomes by 23.5%, with a correlation value of 0.491. Τhis indicates that the relationship influence of the role of parents, students' learning motivation and the use of gadgets on student learning outcomes is powerful and significant.

Abstract views: 1607   PDF downloads: 708   Appendices downloads: 0  

Page 739-747

Procedures for online peer assessment: Assessing algorithm problems in school mathematics for future teachers

blankpage Niroj Dahal, Bal Chandra Luitel, Binod Prasad Pant, Indra Mani Shrestha, Netra Kumar Manandhar, Laxman Luitel

This action research study explored how peer assessment can help students and teachers evaluate algorithm problem-solving skills in mathematics. The study used a self- and peer-assessment activity in Moodle to assess 18 out of 40 Grade X students (10 boys and eight girls) from a school at Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. The students solved algorithm problems in arithmetic, algebra, statistics, and geometry. The study followed the action research methodology of planning, implementing, assessing, and discussing the interventions and outcomes. The results show that workshop activity can engage students in solving algorithm problems in mathematics. The study also discusses how cognitive and constructivist theories can explain some of this activity's unique aspects and potential uses. Moreover, the study highlights the benefits and challenges of self- and peer-assessment in mathematics for enhancing students' interest and abilities in the classroom. The study suggests students can develop analytical and evaluative skills using evaluation criteria to assess their peers' work. The study also implies that students are proactive, critical, and collaborative learners who can use self-and peer assessment to improve their mathematical abilities to solve algorithm problems in the classroom.

Abstract views: 1242   PDF downloads: 775  

Page 630-637

Using an augmented reality application for teaching plant parts: A case study in 1ˢᵗ-grade primary school students

blankpage Georgia Antoniadi

The rapid development of augmented reality (AR) applications has led to wide adoption in education, acting as a supporting tool to increase the transmitted information. However, children need to improve their knowledge of plants, their categories, their conceptual framework as well as the human relationship with them. This research studies the learning outcomes of a plant-themed augmented reality mobile application and its key features designed for 1st graders of primary school. The results of the research showed that there was no statistically significant improvement between the experimental group and the control group.

Abstract views: 1577   PDF downloads: 921  

Page 718-726

The emerging of digital revolution: A literature review study of mobile and android based e-pocket book in physics learning

blankpage Hanandita Veda Saphira, Binar Kurnia Prahani, Budi Jatmiko, Tan Amelia

The elaboration of the education sector as one of the main pillars for the progress of the nation's next generation and the digitalization of technology need to adjust to the times so as not to be left behind both in the field of education technology and the learner curriculum compared to developed countries. However, using the digital pocketbook in Physics learning boosts academic motivation, literacy ability, and student learning achievements. This study summarizes several literature reviews on the advantages, practical implementation, limitations, and opportunities of using the digital pocketbook in Physics learning. This research uses literature study methods with qualitative descriptive analysis. According to the literature study results, we developed and implemented an e-pocket book in Physics learning, proven to improve student learning outcomes. These e-pocket books can be one of the alternative learning media that attract the interest and attention of the students. Therefore, teachers could develop or implement the e-pocket book in Physics learning with further learning models to support the digital revolution.

Abstract views: 2069   PDF downloads: 919  

Page 525-540

Programming environments for the development of CT in preschool education: A systematic literature review

blankpage Konstantina Louka

Computational Thinking (CT) and coding skills are internationally acknowledged as necessary for today's students and 21st century citizens. Nowadays, despite the multifaceted nature of CT, the introduction of CT and associated concepts is regarded as developmentally acceptable for preschool and kindergarten children. Furthermore, there is a considerable influx of software offering various interfaces and styles which facilitate the introduction of children aged four to six to essential CT, coding, and problem-solving skills. Although the creators of these environments claim that they bear educational value, there is no formal or scientifically documented evaluative system certifying this value. For instance, the fast-paced developers produce apps, and the breadth of the available apps has gone beyond what is reasonable for researchers and experts in the domain to evaluate. This article presents a literature review on the available software to encourage preschoolers’ introduction to CT, coding and general literacy skills.