Vol 3 No 2 (2023)

Published: 2023-12-30

Abstract views: 1729   PDF downloads: 833  

Page 893-902

Social media addiction and loneliness of high school students

blankpage Yafes Can

The purpose of this study was to determine whether high school students' addictions to social media and feelings of loneliness were related. The UCLA loneliness scale, and the social media addiction scale were applied for this purpose. To supplement the quantitative data, a semi-structured questionnaire was also created, and students' perspectives on social media addiction and loneliness were evaluated. The study was conducted in a Turkish Anatolian high school student. 30 students took part in the study's qualitative part, whereas 379 students took part in the study's quantitative part. The study's quantitative findings and the data acquired from them showed that the students generally have a moderate level of social media addiction and a moderate level of loneliness. Additionally, the connection between students' addictions to social media and feelings of loneliness was investigated, and it was found through quantitative data that there was no such association. Nevertheless, qualitative data showed a connection between students' social media addictions and loneliness. While the qualitative findings match with the literature, the quantitative findings disagree with it when compared to other studies of a similar nature. As a result of the study, it can be seen that high school kids have moderate degrees of social media addiction and moderate level of loneliness. As a result, although quantitative data doesn't support, based on the qualitative data it can be said that high school students' addictions to social media may deprive them from real social environment and may lead them being loneliness.

Abstract views: 796   PDF downloads: 449  

Page 886-892

The development of kobatar learning media for learning mathematics in elementary school

blankpage Lisaana Shidqi, Trisniawati Trisniawati, Nelly Rhosyida

The objective of this study is to develop Kobatar learning media and assess the viability of the products derived from the creation of Kobatar learning media for teaching mathematics in third-grade elementary classes. This research falls under the category of research and development (R&D). The development process adheres to the Borg and Gall development procedure theory, encompassing seven distinct steps. The findings of this investigation indicate that the product meets the stipulated eligibility criteria. Practicality is evidenced by material expert validation yielding a final percentage of 92.59%, followed by media expert validation with a final percentage of 95.62%. Additionally, the practicality of the response questionnaire from three students resulted in a final percentage of 95.13%. All these percentages align with the eligibility criteria, categorizing the product as "Very Eligible." In conclusion, Kobatar learning media in third-grade elementary school demonstrates its potential as a versatile tool for learning mathematics in this educational setting.

Abstract views: 9981   PDF downloads: 4305  

Page 859-872

Exploring the impact of using Chat-GPT on student learning outcomes in technology learning: The comprehensive experiment

blankpage Muhammad Hakiki, Radinal Fadli, Agariadne Dwinggo Samala, Ade Fricticarani, Popi Dayurni, Kurniati Rahmadani, Ayu Dewi Astiti, Arisman Sabir

This experimental study investigates the impact of integrating Chat GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) on student learning outcomes in technology education at Universitas Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo. The research involves an experimental group using Chat GPT and a control group with conventional methods. Data from 31 participants in each group were collected, assessing learning outcomes through final test scores. Analyzing the results with a t-test, the experimental group displayed significantly higher achievements than the control group, highlighting the positive effect of incorporating GPT Chat into educational technology. The study illuminates the potential of AI-powered chatbots like Chat GPT to enhance student learning outcomes. Further exploration is required to gauge its adaptability across diverse educational contexts for more enhanced learning results. T-test results, conducted at a 95% confidence level with α 0.05, and degrees of freedom dk = n1 + n2 - 2 = 60, showed tcount of 5.424 against ttable of 2.000, firmly establishing tcount > ttable (5.424 > 2.000). Consequently, the null hypothesis (H0) proposing no significant impact of Chat GPT utilization is refuted. Conversely, the alternative hypothesis (H1), signifying a significant influence from Chat GPT usage, is upheld, affirming its substantial role in students' technological education.

Abstract views: 1649   PDF downloads: 585  

Page 851-858

Greek parents' profile concerning the use of smart mobile devices and their educational applications by preschool and elementary school children

blankpage Foteini Aleksandraki, Nikolaos Zaranis

This study examines Greek parents' attitudes towards using smart mobile devices and their educational applications by children aged 4-7 in an informal learning context. The research sample comprised parents whose children attended Crete's public kindergartens and primary schools during 2020-2021. A 30-item Likert-scale questionnaire assessed parents' attitudes toward smartphones and their educational applications. The factor and cluster analyses were conducted, and three parent profiles emerged: neutral, sceptical, and optimistic. Neutral parents value the use of educational applications by their children. Sceptical parents are the ones who attach great importance to the adverse effects that the use of digital technology can have on their children. Optimistic parents are the ones who consider the use of educational applications essential but also are the ones setting ground rules regarding its use. Parents' views regarding smart mobile devices' use are of immense importance, as well as their general perspective, commitment, and support towards their children, as they greatly influence the latter's learning experiences at home.

Abstract views: 1006   PDF downloads: 540  

Page 825-828

Creating simulation applets to teach statistics

blankpage Dimitrios Kallivokas

The purpose of this study is whether the use of software for simulating concepts of statistics and probability theory during a semester introductory statistics course ensured greater success in the final exam of the course for students who used it, compared to students who used general statistical software. The simulation software used was created for this purpose based on the average level of understanding of the students who attended the course. The students who attended the course were divided into two groups in a way that ensured that the two groups had proportionally about the same level of statistical knowledge, mathematical background, and about the same number of students in terms of origin and gender. One group used simulation software throughout the semester, while the other used general statistical software. The simulation software used in this survey was created for this purpose based on the average level of understanding of the students who attended the course. At the end of the semester after the final exam, various factors were considered and students' final exam performance (success rates), were compared based on these factors. It appeared that success in the final exam when it comes to similar populations as the two groups of students who attended the course has a strong dependence on the factor of using simulation software.

Abstract views: 9616   PDF downloads: 4186  

Page 818-824

The use of ChatGPT as a learning tool to improve foreign language writing in a multilingual and multicultural classroom

blankpage Stavros Athanassopoulos, Polyxeni Manoli, Maria Gouvi, Konstantinos Lavidas, Vassilis Komis

The association of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and education has attracted researchers’ attention, as it is very beneficial for learners affecting the whole teaching procedure. ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI and based on the Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT)-3.5 architecture, though newly introduced in November 2022, became very popular even within the first two months. Researchers have already explored and acknowledged the affordances of ChatGPT for language learning and teaching. In this context, the study aimed to examine the effectiveness of ChatGPT as a feedback tool on foreign language writing, especially for socially vulnerable populations, such as refugees/migrants, who face extra language difficulties. The study was conducted in a Junior High School (Gymnasium) classroom in an urban city in south Greece, which consisted of 8 students with a migrant/refugee background aged 15 years old who were attending German as a foreign language learning. The focus of the study was to analyze how the use of ChatGPT could improve foreign language writing in terms of vocabulary and grammar. After the students' first writing attempt, we asked ChatGPT to enhance the vocabulary and grammar of the texts. In contrast, the students received an improved version in terms of language and grammar, and then, they were asked to produce another writing piece of work on a similar topic to their first attempt. The study results indicated an increase in the total number of words, the unique words and the average word number per sentence in the improved version of their work. Overall, the study results were promising, indicating that ChatGPT could act as a language learning tool and support the teaching procedure, especially for students with a refugee/migrant background. However, further research is needed to investigate its use and effectiveness in diverse contexts.

Abstract views: 3382   PDF downloads: 1426  

Page 805-817

Educational benefits of digital game-based learning: K-12 teachers' perspectives and attitudes

blankpage Georgios Lampropoulos

This study aims to examine K-12 teachers’ perspectives and attitudes toward the benefits of adopting and integrating digital game-based learning in education. The study involves 158 teachers of primary education and secondary education who filled in a 37-question questionnaire. Overall, teachers had significantly positive perspectives and attitudes. In contrast to their age and level of education in which they taught, teachers’ educational background, gender, and teaching experience were correlated with their responses. Based on the results, most teachers were familiar with digital games and their use in educational settings and had previous experience in adopting digital game-based learning in their classrooms. The lack of equipment, digital skills, and training emerged as the primary challenges that they face. Concerning its general benefits in education, digital game-based learning emerged as an effective educational approach that can be applied in various subjects and offer interactive and student-centered learning environments. Regarding the benefits it can yield for teachers, digital game-based learning emerged as a useful educational approach that can facilitate and enrich the teaching process as it improves teachers’ communication and digital skills and enables them to create motivational virtual learning environments that would consciously engage and encourage students to actively participate in educational activities and that would promote collaborative learning. In terms of the educational benefits that it can yield for students, digital game-based learning was evaluated as a valuable pedagogical approach that can enhance students’ cognitive and social-emotional development, enhance their digital competencies, improve their learning motivation, engagement, and achievements, and increase their joy, autonomy, critical thinking, creativity, and imagination. Finally, digital game-based learning emerged as an effective educational approach that can be used at all educational levels and in both face-to-face and online learning to meet the new educational requirements, provide benefits for teachers and students, and improve the overall quality of education.

Abstract views: 888   PDF downloads: 597  

Page 801-804

Teaching basic statistic concepts to student classes with diverse mathematical background using specialized applets

blankpage Dimitrios Kallivokas

This study examines whether the use of specialized software applications can have an effective role in understanding and clarifying concepts of the basic measures of central tendency and dispersion, so that the advantages over traditional teaching are clear. Higher education students need to have a deep understanding of the concepts of theory of probability, descriptive statistics measures and statistical conclusions in order to be able to be used in their studies and in their work. For this purpose during an introductory course in Statistics at a University of Applied Sciences, two separate groups of students consisting of randomly selected members were given the same worksheet. One of these groups was additionally given specialized application software developed to visualize these concepts in order to answer the questions on the worksheet. The investigated case is whether the appropriate use of specialized software can help to effectively understand and interpret basic descriptive statistic concepts in a realistic application. The main conclusion is that appropriate specialized software applications can lead to the deepening of statistic concepts by students and in general promote the statistical literacy to a much greater extent than traditional teaching.

Abstract views: 1299   PDF downloads: 575  

Page 787-800

Development of a Scale to Measure Children's Educational Mobile Application Usage for Foreign Language

blankpage Derya Uygun, Mehmet Fırat

The widespread use of mobile applications in education has led to the need for reliable and valid measurement tools to assess their impact on language learning, particularly among young learners. This study investigated the developmental process and psychometric properties of the Children's Educational Mobile Application Usage for Foreign Languages Scale. The item pool was created by examining the studies obtained from the literature review. To evaluate the appearance and content validity of the scale, the expert assessment of the scale, which the researcher developed, was applied to 19 experts. Consequently, the experts' opinions were considered to update the Children's Educational Mobile Application Usage for Foreign Languages Scale. Pilot studies were conducted with 37 students in the 4th grade. Data were collected from 309 4th-grade students to conduct reliability and validity studies. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was used to determine the scale's construct validity. The Chi-square/degrees of freedom ratio is 2.54, and the Comparative Fit Index value is calculated as .954. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis confirmed the theoretical structure consisting of 16 items with three factors, and the compliance indices showed perfect compliance. Cronbach Alpha (α) coefficient was used to determine the scale's reliability. The Cronbach Alpha value is calculated as 0.945. As a result, the Children's Educational Mobile Application Usage for Foreign Languages Scale was valid and reliable. The study highlights the novelty of the scale, being one of the first psychometric scales in the literature explicitly targeting children's educational mobile application usage for foreign language learning. It can aid institutions in developing or updating mobile applications and investigating the relationship between children's educational mobile application use and other variables. While this study presents a valuable contribution to the field, it also acknowledges limitations, such as the sample size and reliance on personal statements for data collection. Nonetheless, Children’s Educational Mobile Application Usage for Foreign Languages opens new avenues for research and has the potential to enhance language education by harnessing innovative technology-driven approaches.

Abstract views: 881   PDF downloads: 505  

Page 779-786

Development of mathematics learning media assisted by Prezi media on building space material Grade VI SD 1 Godegan Yogyakarta

blankpage Farid Nur Irfan, Trisniawati Trisniawati, Nelly Rhosyida

This research aims to: 1) develop the Prezi application media for mathematics learning on the topic of spatial structures in elementary schools, 2) describe the feasibility of the Prezi application media for mathematics learning on the topic of spatial structures in elementary schools through the validation assessment by media experts and subject matter experts. The use of the Prezi application media to display sound media, animated movements, and images falls under the Research and Development (R&D) category. The research conducted by the researcher consists of several stages: (1) information and research collection, (2) media production planning, (3) initial product development, (4) preliminary product testing, (5) validation by media experts and subject matter experts, (6) product revision, and (7) final product design. The data collection techniques used in this study include observation, questionnaires, and interviews. Two instruments are utilized: assessment sheets for subject matter experts and media experts. Qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques are employed to analyze the collected data, converting average scores into categorized values. The research and development results include: 1) utilizing Prezi to create a learning media product for mathematics on the topic of spatial structures with engaging and interactive features, and 2) the feasibility of the Prezi media, as assessed by media experts, is 80%, categorized as "Good" and deemed feasible. According to subject matter experts, the feasibility of the Prezi media obtained a score of 75%, categorized as "Good" and deemed feasible. Media experts' validation results for the Prezi application media yielded a "Good" rating. Based on the above explanations, the development of Prezi-assisted learning media for spatial structures in the sixth grade at Godegan Elementary School is suitable for mathematics learning.

Abstract views: 1561   PDF downloads: 750  

Page 770-778

Evaluation of Google Play educational apps for early childhood education

blankpage Avraam Chatzopoulos, Alexandros Karaflis, Michail Kalogiannakis, Anastasios Tzerachoglou, Georgia Cheirchanteri; Emmanouela Sfyroera, Eleni-Orsalia Sklavounou

In the global retail market, there is a plethora of educational software: smartphone applications, computer programs, and websites with engaging educational activities that can be used at all levels of education: preschool, primary, secondary, tertiary, and especially in educational robotics and STEM education. However, a teacher or a parent faces a dilemma today: Which is the most educational and appropriate app for children to choose and use? This article aims to help parents, teachers, and other stakeholders in the education community. It has a double purpose: on the one hand, to present an evaluation rubric for educational apps, and on the other hand, to make use of it by offering the vital characteristics and the evaluation of well-known educational apps (n = 50) which can be downloaded from Google Play Store (https://play.google.com). Αpp selection was based on the following criteria: a) to be suitable for early childhood education (kindergarten), b) to cover a wide range of learning objectives (e.g. maths, music, visual arts, language, science, programming, history, and environment) and, c) to be free to download. The educational rubric used was a modified version adopted by literature research.

Abstract views: 1019   PDF downloads: 579  

Page 763-769

Prototype of a mobile application for teaching the first grade letter course

blankpage Margarita Giraldo Retuerto, Laberiano Andrade-Arenas

It is essential to highlight that, to ease learning processes and produce a fruitful pedagogical experience, reading and writing skills development requires didactic tactics different from those used in the traditional classroom. The research aims to design a prototype mobile application for teaching letter courses to first graders in a didactic way to enhance the communicative skills of children. The method used is the cascade, which allowed us to understand and solve the problem. The results obtained are the designs of the prototypes, which were designed to teach letters to children in the first grade of primary school. Likewise, a good appreciation was obtained in the surveys conducted on the application.

Abstract views: 1686   PDF downloads: 1135  

Page 754-762

Interactive gamification-flip-book for developing students' outcomes

blankpage J. Priyanto Widodo, Marianus Subandowo, Lailatul Musyarofah, Joko Slamet

This research presents gamification-flip-books in education that can significantly improve students' conceptual understanding due to the actions involved in the learning. However, this approach also presents a problem for "slow learners" and other students who require individualized attention in their classroom's approach to teaching and learning. Many researchers have been drawn to the use of gamification in education as a way to boost engagement and improve learning outcomes. This study aims to show the empirical results of the most recent research on applying gamification in ability learning for slow learners. This research developed an interactive digital gamification-flip-book which meets the criteria for assisting students called slow learners. A 4-D design of research & development was applied, covering four stages: define, design, develop and disseminate. Since the percentage that was produced was more significant than 85%, the validity level of the generated media satisfied very valid requirements, and it could be used without any modifications because the standards were met. The implication proves that the integration with LMS was a practical approach for providing activities to slow learners to support them. This was demonstrated by the fact that the integration was successful. Therefore, the additional study should be encouraged to investigate the usefulness of a digital gamification-flip-book integrated into LMS for slow learners.

Abstract views: 1148   PDF downloads: 682  

Page 748-753

Creating a watermill through STEAM activities for preschool children in the schoolyard

blankpage Evaggelia Skaraki

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) initiatives engage in classroom and schoolyard activities in early childhood education. In early childhood, learning through play provides children with the resources they need for an enjoyable learning environment, especially when the activities take place in the schoolyard, as this is where children can better concentrate and, at the same time, increase their creativity. This work investigates whether preschool children can create watermills through STEAM activities in the schoolyard. Thirty-four children aged 4-6 years participated in the research, and the results were encouraging as the children liked that the activities were outside. At the same time, the teachers were worried if they would be able to support such activities. Preschoolers have a spontaneous disposition toward science with a sense of curiosity and creativity. More research needs to be done on out-of-class activities with the STEAM app, and this training should be incorporated in all kindergartens.

Abstract views: 1295   PDF downloads: 580  

Page 873-885

Influence and scope of mobile learning in higher education: A systematic literature review

blankpage Devendra Kumar, Bhagwati Prasad Pande

Due to the soaring progression in portable innovations and mobile technology, the popularity of mobile phones has expanded dramatically, which has led to the widespread adoption of mobile gadgets by almost every age group, especially the youth. The apparent consequence is embracing mobile phones in teaching-learning processes. Researchers have been inclined to study the potential and impact of incorporating mobile devices into the education system in recent years. Many studies have been conducted to explore the viability of integrating mobile gadgets into the higher education system. However, only a few works have addressed the realm from the perspective of the Indian higher education system. The present work employs the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) framework and endeavours to contribute to the literature by exercising a systematic literature review of the open-access literary works carried out from the standpoint of India, especially the Uttarakhand province. The essential keywords, inclusion/exclusion criteria, and research questions addressing the cruxes of the desired investigation are contemplated and designed first. The articles are then populated from the leading academic databases, general web resources, and government reports. The PRISMA guidelines are followed to filter out articles satisfying the adopted criteria. The final shortlisted articles are then rigorously studied to develop insights and to answer the framed questions. The observations signalize the need to frame effective policies and address the hurdles to optimize the usage and impact of mobile learning in Indian higher education, including the education system of Uttarakhand.  

Abstract views: 2985   PDF downloads: 684  

Page 829-850

Recommender systems in education: A literature review and bibliometric analysis

blankpage Georgios Lampropoulos

This study aims to provide an overview regarding the use of recommender systems in education through a systematic review and a bibliometric analysis. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement was followed and a total of 1,622 related documents from Scopus and WoS are examined from 2001 to 2022. The study goes over the literature and describes personalized learning, artificial intelligence (AI) in education as well as recommender systems and educational recommender systems. Besides descriptive statistics about the document collection, the result analysis involves the citation, sources, authors, affiliations, countries, and document information and categories of the related articles. The thematic evolution of the topic throughout the years is also examined. Based on the results, the recency and significance of recommender systems and their potentials in the educational domain were evident. Their ability to take into account learners' unique traits, experiences, skills, and preferences was highlighted. Recommender systems emerged as a learning tool that can empower learners, improve education quality and learning outcomes, increase learners' motivation, engagement, achievements, and satisfaction, and enable learners to be in charge of their own learning. Finally, recommender systems arose as an effective educational tool that can promote and improve adaptive learning and personalized learning.